Stories from Ubuntu

Meshack's Story

photo of Meshack standing

Meshack is smiling... but not because his sandals say “smile”. Meshach, 14, is smiling because his grossly enlarged 8 kg spleen was finally removed by a surgeon at Ubuntu Clinique.

This courageous teenager, with no immediate family, ventured 25 km from his village to Ubuntu Clinique. He was too weak, so a friend cycled him. Arriving at the Clinique, they found a long line-up and left. However, he did get a phone number, and in the middle of the night, he paged Jackson, Ubuntu’s founder and director. Jackson, although annoyed at his disturbed sleep, returned Meshack’s call and presuming him to be older, told him to come again to the Clinique.

When the surgeon saw Meshack, he knew his enlarged spleen – probably a result of previous infections and malaria -- would have to be removed immediately. The surgery was timely as his spleen burst on the operating table and yet he managed to survive.

Meshack had no money to pay for this life saving surgery as his mother has chronic heart disease plus poor eyesight. Thanks to your support, Ubuntu Clinique covered the cost of Meshack’s surgery and two-week hospital stay. Post surgery, Meshack is very happy that will be no longer referred to as the “pregnant boy”. His smile defines him! He is now continuing his schooling in Grade 4 and living with a local pastor.

Without a spleen, Meshach needs antibiotics daily. Your $52 USD donation would cover one year of medication for this resilient young man.

Thank you for your support of Ubuntu Clinique which makes life-changing medical interventions like this possible!

Janet Schmidt, chair of the Canadian Ubuntu Board, talked to Meshack in April 2024, the happy day he was discharged and heading for his home village.

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