Care for a vulnerable senior

Meet Denise Nivyubusa

Photo of Denise showing her hands, bandaged at Ubuntu Clinique after a bad burn.

Denise is a 65 year old woman who suffers chronic episodes of epilepsy. Three months ago, while having an epileptic seizure, she fell into a fire and burned both of her hands. Denise was then taken to Ubuntu Clinique for treatment. Sadly, she is expected to lose the mobility of one of her hands and since then she remains in care at Ubuntu Clinique.

Because of superstition and lack of medical understanding, Denise's unique health condition has made people in the community afraid of her. She faces isolation, discrimination, and she has struggled with mental health challenges. So, Denise must fend for herself, staying wherever someone is willing to host her for a time.

In most hospitals in the developing world, family members are expected to provide food for their family members during their stay. But Denise has no family support. So, as she slowly heals at Ubuntu Clinique, Aceline (Jackson's wife who is a trained nurse) makes sure she is provided with two meals a day. Jackson shared that Denise is a lovely person. It is people like Denise without any support in the world, who need our support so that Ubuntu Clinique can care for her.

Thank you for your support of Ubuntu Clinique which makes life-saving medical interventions and social support like this possible!

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