Where would Deborah be without Ubuntu?
Deborah desperately needed medical intervention when she arrived at Ubuntu Clinique in 2024. Doctors discovered she had a massive breast tumour which had burst and was bleeding profusely. Presenting with such an advanced breast tumour is all too common in Burundi because of lack of medical care and finances, something that would likely never happen if she lived in Canada. With her life in danger, doctors immediately administered multiple blood transfusions and eventually were able to stop the bleeding. There’s hope! Deborah, just 23 years old, might live!
A biopsy, costing $2473 USD, determined that the tumour was indeed cancerous. Deborah required trips to the capital city for nine three-day cancer treatments each two weeks apart and costing $795 USD. But receiving this life saving health care was not her only need… Deborah was abandoned by her family and hopeless, she had no money or means of support to live, let alone to pay for cancer treatments.
Thankfully, three caring Ubuntu supporters donated money so the biopsy and treatments could proceed. But where would she live? Jackson & Aceline provided Deborah with accommodations in a nearby house and supplied her daily needs. They've extended their family care around her and have saved her life in so many ways.
Pictured above, Deborah is on her way to the Burundian capital of Bujumbura (1.5 hours distance from Ubuntu Clinique) for her fourth treatment. Things are looking much better for Deborah as Ubuntu Clinique continues to provide wound dressing and ongoing monitoring. Without compassionate humans like Jackson and Aceline (Ubuntu Clinique founders), skilled doctors and nurses, and donors like you, where would Deborah be?
Thank you for your support of Ubuntu Clinique which makes life-saving medical interventions like this possible!
Janet Schmidt, chair of the Canadian Ubuntu Board, talked to Deborah in April 2024, and heard about her amazing story.